Personal protective equipment

High temperatures, intensely bright arcs and hot workpieces are part of every welder’s day-to-day life. Personal protective equipment with proven Fronius quality and boasting an innovative design ensure the welder feels safe at all times.

Welding gloves

Welding apparel

Safety boot S3

Respiratory protection systems

Automatic protective welding helmets

Welding Fume Extraction

Exento extraction devices – in combination with integrated extraction arms or in combination with Exento fume extraction torches – are used to extract welding fumes and, depending on the model, are suitable for temporary and permanent jobs.

Exento extraction devices

Welding simulator

Alongside the associated Welducation Campus platform, the Welducation Simulator offers trainees and trainers a complete teaching concept consisting of theoretical content and virtual training units with the simulator.

Welducation Simulator