Fronius limited warranty

Obtain your Fronius Limited Warranty in three steps *


Buy a welding machine of your choice.


Within one year of the purchase date.

Three-year Fronius Limited Warranty

Obtain a free full three-year Fronius Limited Warranty for your device.

The Fronius Limited Warranty

The flexible, customized, and transparent Fronius Limited Warranty offers ‘full cover’ and ‘cost certainty’. With several time models to choose from, customers can simply select the package that offers the best coverage for their requirements. This protection can be provided for up to five years and there is no longer any need to worry about unforeseeable costs.

Full Fronius Limited Warranty

The Fronius Limited Warranty covers welding systems, interconnecting hosepacks, cooling units, wirefeeders, and moving parts including water pumps or cooling fans.

All device classes

Fronius Limited Warranty available for smaller hand-held welding systems and for robotic welding systems.

Single-shift or multi-shift operation

The same conditions for devices which are used for multi-shift operation as for single-shift devices.

Flexible time models

The option of different time models – full Fronius Limited Warranty for three or five years for materials and labor.